Gail CavanaughThis shop features wooden puzzles from original art and photography with kid's themes. Puzzles are a great way to spend time with the family while helping children to develop fine motor skills.
While working on the computer has been shown to problems with focusing, working on jigsaw puzzles could help correct the problem. Even the elderly can benefit from this.
Doing jigsaw pules together with the family can help bring them back together because of social distancing mandates due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Grand Piano
Lion Wooden Jigsaw Puzzle
Side View Pale Pink Day Lily
Three Horses
Bright Yellow Day Liliy
Duck Pond
Pink Petals Galore
Lily Pond
Yellow Petunia from Heaven
Beautiful Mums
Close-up of Red Petunia and Green Foliage
Horse and Tree
Rich Red Lily
Variegated Wild Grass
Impatiens Flower Close-up
Peachy, Orange and Red Lilies in a Row
The Fish
Lovely Lavender Flower with points
The Swans
Pretty White and Yellow Flowers
Digital Tropical Fish
Two Lovely Orange Day Lilies, One Large, One Small
Plate of healthy oat meal bars wooden jigsaw puzzle
Thirsty Elephant
Farm and Tree Jigsaw Puzzle
White Petunias Flowers
Cunning Hibiscus Flower Wooden Jigsaw Puzzle
Pink Heart- Shaped Rose
Cheetah Wild Cat
Rosey Red Rose on a Bush
Man's Best Friend
Serene Deer
Two Red Lilies - One On Top
Closeup View of Red Day Lily
Pretty Red Rose Bush of Love
Little Baby Bear Wooden Puzzle
Two White Lilies in V Formation
Lacey Azaleas
Seven Lovely Pink Rose of Sharon Flowers