Protozoa Princess Shop Space

Katelyn Solbakk

I am an artist inspired by working at the microscope. I like to draw scenes that envision microorganisms in their natural habitats, both aquatic and terrestrial. After having one of my drawings made into a jigsaw puzzle to give as a Christmas present, I realized that these would make great gifts for other people as well. In particular these puzzles would be perfect for scientists, biology students, nature lovers, and anyone who enjoys a challenging puzzle.

Traditional Jigsaw Puzzles

Lacrymaria vs. Loxophyllum

Traditional Jigsaw Puzzles

Tardigrade Puzzle (1000 pc)

Traditional Jigsaw Puzzles

Soil in the microscope

Traditional Jigsaw Puzzles

Difflugia Testate Amoeba (No Box)

Traditional Jigsaw Puzzles

Tardigrade Puzzle (500 pc)

Traditional Jigsaw Puzzles

Microscopic Pond Life

Traditional Jigsaw Puzzles

Difflugia Testate Amoeba

Traditional Jigsaw Puzzles

Loxodes Rex (1000 pc)

Traditional Jigsaw Puzzles

Nematode Trapped by Fungus (1000 pc)

Traditional Jigsaw Puzzles

Dying Cell (1000 pc)

Traditional Jigsaw Puzzles

Amoeba in Soil (1000 pc)

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