The Kees GroupChildren's puzzles are an important and common learning tool found in many classrooms and households. Puzzles help develop children's visual spacial awareness, fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, problem solving skills, as well as provide an opportunity for cooperative play. The colorful puzzles created by Kingdom Images further maximize the benefits of puzzles by providing culturally diverse images which can lead to greater self awareness and self-esteem. Kingdom Image puzzles are a great way to further develop the growth and development of the whole child!

Generational Family Puzzle-12pc

Kid Graduates - 12 pc

Black Live Matter, 100pc

Africa-Land of Resources, 100pc

Generational Family, 24pc

SEL Conversation Wheel, 100pc

Kid Graduates, 100pc

Generational Family-30 pc,Wrapped

Generational Family, 100pc

The SEL Wheel, 30pc

The Styles of Africa, 54pc

SEL Conversation Wheel, 30pc

Girl As Queen, 54 pc

Queen Within, 12pc

Kid Graduates - 30 pc, Wrapped

Multi-Generational Family, 30pc

Generational Family, 54 pc

The Styles of Africa, 12pc

BLM, 12-pc

Africa, The Beautiful, 12pc

12x16.5 JUG