KB Authenticimages Puzzles Shop Space

KB Authenticimages Kevin Brown

Photographer based in Kildare Ireland, been taking photographs now for the last six years. After some great feedback I decided to start selling my work as puzzles. Hope everyone enjoys my images.

Traditional Jigsaw Puzzles

Sunset Thomastown Kilkenny

Traditional Jigsaw Puzzles

Jerpoint Abbey Thomastown

Traditional Jigsaw Puzzles

winters morning

Traditional Jigsaw Puzzles

Mespil Road Dublin

Traditional Jigsaw Puzzles

Kilkenny Castle In Fog

Traditional Jigsaw Puzzles

Tree Phoenix Park Dublin

Traditional Jigsaw Puzzles

Autumn Walk Dublin Ireland

Traditional Jigsaw Puzzles

Woodland Walk

Traditional Jigsaw Puzzles

Rainbow over the river nore

Over 40 Years in the Games Printing Industry. No minimum order!