Fotos By Floyd Shop Space

Scott Smith

Unique and Exclusive Images Photographed From Canada to Mexico Shot Between 1958 and 1973. Step back for a moment and witness a time past and view the landscapes from Canada through the United States and on to Mexico with puzzles created from exclusive, privately owned photographs. The puzzles offered here represent a glimpse back to a time when natural wonders didn't have barriers to keep the foolish from hurting themselves. In time, we hope to have available many more puzzles to choose from. -Scott Smith, Prop.

Invitation Puzzles

3079 - Waterfall #1

Invitation Puzzles

290-13a Rocky Mtns.

Invitation Puzzles

290-39 - 24pc

Invitation Puzzles


Invitation Puzzles


Invitation Puzzles


Traditional Jigsaw Puzzles

BC - Rockies - 184

Traditional Jigsaw Puzzles


Traditional Jigsaw Puzzles

BC - Train - 121

Traditional Jigsaw Puzzles

290-35 -Taking a Break - 1963

Traditional Jigsaw Puzzles

1102-"Afternoon Shade"

Traditional Jigsaw Puzzles

1260-"Pending Storm"

Traditional Jigsaw Puzzles

121 - Rocky Mtns -1961

Invitation Puzzles

3-20-226 Flower #3

Invitation Puzzles

3-20-225 Flower #5

Invitation Puzzles


Traditional Jigsaw Puzzles

BC - Rockies - 227

Traditional Jigsaw Puzzles

Satruday Delivery - 2319

Traditional Jigsaw Puzzles

18-56 - Winter's Eve

Traditional Jigsaw Puzzles

4-1104 - Rural Iowa - 1963

Number Puzzle

2422-3 - Sunset #3

Round Puzzles

3419-Round 7"

Invitation Puzzles

Flower #3

Invitation Puzzles

Flower #!

Invitation Puzzles


Invitation Puzzles


Traditional Jigsaw Puzzles

15-10 - Still Waters

Over 40 Years in the Games Printing Industry. No minimum order!